Senin, 14 April 2014

Naskah Pidato berbahasa Inggris

Setelah sebelumnya Na posting tentang Pembuatan PC Routerdan Proxy Server, kali ini Na akan share tentang Naskah Pidato berbahasa Inggris. Naskah ini dibuat oleh Gugun Gunawan yang berjudul “Hero”


Honorable Juries and respected audiences,

Assalamu’alaikum Wr WB

First of all, give thanks to Allah SWT for the healt, chance that given to us so we can gather in this place. Bless and safty may keep and always on our prophet Muhammad SAW as the real hero who has bring people from the darkness to the lightness as we feel now.

Ladies and gentlements, I stand front of you all to tell you about Hero. If I ask, what is hero? Who is hero? Maybe you will member about Super man, Batman, Spiderman, Iron man as the super hero in movie, or you will thinking about Mariah carry song, I don’t know. But do you know that Hero is who has show his courage, defend the weak, and fight for the truth. Hero is the brave and not afraid to die. Like our heroes once times, who has willing to sacrifice his wealth, his power, and even his lives for independence of this country. They repel invaders, with spilled blood. Fear, hunger, pain, their opponents, once again for the sake of Indonesian independence. So we have to appreciate their struggles, pray for them  and love this nation.

Ladies and gentlemens, could we become a hero? Why not? how to be? You don’t need to shed the blood,firings weapons, or war. Do we have to like super man fly in the sky? Or like spiderman climb the build? Be a good, hard working, leave the lazy, always help your friends and another people, is enough to make you a hero. Hero for your self and your side.beuseful to the family, nation, and religion, is the real hero.
Friends, you can be a hero with your prestations, with your ability, with talent did you have. Who didn’t know taufik hidayat or susi susanti? (example) yes they are the legend of badminton world, they from Indonesia, many title they gave for Indonesia. So all the world knew how great them, how great Indonesian badminton. They gave the best for country and we can call them as a hero of sport. Friends, not only that, there are many thing that could make you a hero, maybe in art, politic, and other. So what ability did you have? What talent did you have? Now finding out something wow about you, after that show to me show to us your something wow. And finally let the world know your something wow and they call you as Indonesian hero with your prestation.

I think that all, I hope we could be hero for all people, and like Mariah carry said that a hero lies in you.
Last say wassalam

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